How to Get the “Contact” Button on Instagram

pin button

I’m a firm believe that knowledge is power. I’m not one of those bloggers that keeps all of the hidden tricks of tips of social media and site building to myself. I don’t see the point. I want to see everyone succeed and be the best they can be so competing isn’t my thang. We all have room to be great! So I’m sharing my newest little tidbit with you…

When I first noticed the newly added “Contact” button on select bloggers’ Instagram profiles, my heart jumped. FINALLY! Something that causes users to become more engaged and have literally everything they need at their fingertips. Instagram rolled it out quietly, but I wanted to know how to get the update ASAP.

There are so many perks including being able to add a phone number, email or locations so customers can reach you directly through the “Contact” button, insights about your followers and how your posts are performing, and even help with creating promotions or ads to build your business or blog. 

I’m happy to say, it’s now available to everyone! I converted to Instagram for Business this morning and it took legit maybe five minutes. 




switch to business



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The only catch is that you have to have a business Facebook page to link to. I didn’t have one for my blog, but created one real quick.

select page


Insert whatever info you feel is relevant. I only added my blog’s email address, but you can add a location and phone number too. This is great for legit store fronts or restaurants.

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Look how sexy that “Contact” button is! It makes my IG page so clean and I was able to remove my email from the description. Bless!

So there you have it! Converting to a Instagram for Business is THAT easy and has so many perks. Enjoy!

And remember, knowledge really is power. All of us are in a world full of opportunity and growth. Helping others along the way is the right thing to do 🙂

– B –

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